ISO Rating at Clio Fire Deparment

You can view the 2013 and the current 2024 letters below:
The Insurance Services Office (ISO) plays a crucial role in assessing risk for insurance purposes. Here are the key points:
- ISO Ratings:
- ISO ratings help insurance companies evaluate risk.
- Higher ISO ratings indicate greater risk and result in higher premiums.
- Protection classes range from 1 (best protection) to 10 (worst or no protection).
- Components of ISO Fire Ratings:
- ISO calculates a total score (0 to 105.5) based on:
- 50%: Quality of the local fire department (staffing, training, proximity).
- 40%: Availability of water supply (hydrants, water for firefighting).
- 10%: Quality of emergency communication systems (911).
- 5.5%: Community outreach efforts (fire prevention, safety courses).
- ISO calculates a total score (0 to 105.5) based on:
- Impact on Communities:
- ISO helps communities evaluate and improve fire protection services.
- Provides a nationwide standard for fire departments’ planning and budgeting.
- Influences insurance premiums for residential, commercial, and industrial properties.
- Clio Area Fire Authority Rating:
- The Clio Area Fire Authority holds a Class 4 rating from ISO.
What Is Insurance Services Office (ISO) Fire Rating?
The Insurance Services Office (ISO) is an independent organization that provides ratings for fire departments and their surrounding communities. These ratings assess the fire departments' capabilities to effectively manage and extinguish fires within their coverage areas. This assessment results in the "ISO Fire Rating," which is shared with homeowners insurance companies.
In June 2024, the Clio Area Fire Department currently holds an ISO Fire Rating of 4, which is an improvement from our previous score of 5. This achievement is significant for a volunteer department and underscores our unwavering commitment to our community and department.
How ISO Fire Ratings Impact Your Community?
By classifying communities’ ability to suppress fires, ISO helps communities evaluate and improve their public fire protection services. The program also provides an objective, countrywide standard that helps fire departments plan and budget for facilities, equipment, and training.
In addition, this grading schedule plays an important role in the underwriting process at insurance companies. ISO documents state that most insurers — including the largest ones — use PPC information for underwriting and calculating premiums for residential, commercial, and industrial properties.
To learn more about ISO you can visit their webiste at